Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

32 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 that look and feel that we’ve had for the area.” Valued Partnerships that Lead the City Forward None of the success that the city is experiencing would be possible without the key partnerships and collaborations of entities such as the American Fork Chamber of Commerce, and the Mountain Land Association of Governments (MAG), the planning organization for the region. “They are huge partners,” reports O’Brien. “We’re not just a community on our own, we share boundaries with several other communities. We have our visions as a city, but we also share a huge regional vision as Northern opportunities to breathe new life into downtown. To achieve the goal of drawing people to the heart of the community, the city hosts events such as trick or treating on Main Street, a farmers’ market in the park, special shopping occasions, and Christmas celebrations with Santa. “One of the things that has been important is to continue with the history and heritage of American Fork as we continue to grow. I feel like that is something that American Fork has been able to do well,” Carroll says. “We have to be very intentional, and the Main Street Downtown portion of that is part of that goal, not getting rid of some of those older buildings and revitalizing