Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

297 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT job of really wrapping their arms around each and every learner, meeting them where they are at, and then taking them where they need to go—from preschool all the way through graduation,” Montante says. “Our students are really invested in the district and in what we call OneTroy,” Montante affirms. “They truly reach for success, whether that is in the classroom, athletics, band, theatre—many different types of groups. The other piece is that our community is fiercely supportive of the school district. They assist in passing bonds and help in everyday things like booster clubs and PTO/PTA meetings. It speaks to the dedication of our incredible staff, who are committed to changing with the landscape of education and are willing to do the work that needs to be done to help learners grow and succeed.” “To my point about the magic happening outside of the Superintendent’s office, we also