Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

250 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 mentions the continuation of the IREAD (Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination) reading assessment, introduced as part of the No Child Left Behind initiative. “We utilize it not just in third grade, as mandated by the state, but also in second grade as a screener. This helps us provide the necessary support and interventions to ensure students meet the reading expectations by third grade,” she elaborates. Pettit proudly shares the achievements of their students, “Our graduating class of 2023 boasts a 98% graduation rate. Approximately 60 to 65% of our students pursue post-secondary education, with a third completing a year of college during their high school tenure. Almost two-thirds earn some college credit before graduation.” The dual enrollment program, which allows students to earn college credits while still in high school, has been particularly successful. Biggs elaborates on its success, “We’ve partnered with universities throughout Indiana, including Purdue, Indiana University, and Ivy Tech. These partnerships support our teachers