Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

240 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 competitiveness.” Yet, with dedicated coaches and a resilient spirit, Dade County Schools continue to set high standards in sports and beyond. Safety and Student Achievement In the heart of Dade County, the Dade County Schools district is a shining beacon of commitment to its students, staff, and the community. As the world evolves, so do the challenges faced by educational institutions. Yet, the school district remains unwavering in its dedication to ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all. “Safety is paramount,” Ingle emphasizes. “It’s on my mind 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When parents drop their kids off at school daily, they trust their children will return home safely.” This commitment to safety is evident in the district’s close collaboration with law enforcement officials and the presence of school resource officers (armed police offers) in all four schools. The district has also invested significantly in technology to bolster campus safety measures. Ingle mentions the introduction of the CENTEGIX badge, a safety measure given to all staff members, from bus drivers to teachers. He emphasizes that this badge allows employees to call for assistance during emergencies swiftly. He also shares a humorous story where a teacher, during high-stakes testing, used the badge to ask for extra calculators. This story highlights the district’s drive to ensure staff fully use available resources, reinforcing a sense of support and empowerment. As the calendar year draws to a close and 2024 beckons, Dade County Schools is poised to continue its legacy of excellence. “Our top goal is our students,” Ingle concludes. “Providing student achievement and safe learning environments remain our primary objectives.” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Carroll Daniel Construction n Cherokee Mechanical Inc.