Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

227 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 COLLEGE COMMUNI T Y SCHOOL DISTRICT partnership with Kirkwood Community College, conveniently situated just across the street from the district’s campus. Doser underscores the district’s symbiotic relationship with the college. “Last year alone, we had 480 students who took Kirkwood credit in our school, earning 3,832 credit hours and saving families over $750,000,” he reveals. This partnership brings convenience and a strategic alignment that simultaneously enables students to gain real-world skills and academic credits. Dr. Wheeler elaborates on the district’s efforts to make dual credit more accessible. “We’ve been expanding the offerings of dual credit on our campus to reduce barriers related to poverty and access. One of our goals is to ensure that all students can take a college class before they graduate,” he states. This is part of the district’s broader strategy of personalized learning pathways, which begins with career exploration in the middle school years and continues through high school. Eric Townsley, Executive Director of Information 20+ YEARS Cedar Rapids | Des Moines | Iowa City | Madison | Minneapolis + College Community School District