Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

22 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 when in-person public gatherings were restricted. The vast majority of cities also ramped-up communication with residents to promote wellness, social distancing, masking recommendations, and vaccination opportunities within their individual communities. Communication tactics designed to reach the widest possible community audiences were put into place. For example, the City of Brooklyn Center established a special Emergency Operations Center that focused on communication for non- English speaking residents. Similarly, the City of New Brighton recruited a Community Resource Group that identified individuals considered vulnerable and most in need of information and resources during the early days of the pandemic. In our state as in others, COVID-19 concerns resulted in temporary closures and limited operations among retailers and other local businesses. Consequently, many merchants took a financial hit and laid-off employees due to being unable to meet payrolls. Understanding the importance of small business, cities stepped up. As a means of financial relief, some cities—like the City of Cottonwood-- were able to provide short-term grants or loans to help keep businesses afloat. Others, like the City of Eagan, temporarily waived code permits and zoning requirements to allow and fast track temporary outdoor dining and curbside pickup options for local restaurants. And there was the City of Randall. When faced with constricted food supplies in the community, city leaders in Randall established a food library. A park building was reconfigured so people could share excess food and supplies so their neighbors could easily access them. The city was able to play a vital role connecting people to essential items in an unlocked, unstaffed park building with no reports of ransacking or vandalism. At its core, this remains a shining example of a community coming together in a time of need. For the League’s part, because our organization is widely recognized as a vital conduit to all cities in