Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CI T I ES Thanks to strong leadership from city officials, communities in our state continued to deliver vital services for their residents in a seamless fashion despite uncharted challenges posed by the pandemic and its effects. Though few individuals could have fully predicted the magnitude of the crisis, cities have navigated the storm through a mix of perseverance and innovation. Many effects of the pandemic have passed. Yet, many remain that may permanently change the nature of local government service delivery. I am humbled to serve as the executive director for an organization with a mission of helping city governments and the great leaders that serve them, through good times and bad. The League of Minnesota Cities is one of the largest municipal associations in the country, representing about 855 cities, large and small. Our organization is governed by a volunteer board of directors consisting of city officials from cities of all sizes and geographic locations. The League serves as an extension of our members, providing valuable information and assistance to cities through learning and training services, advocacy services, insurance coverage and risk management programs, legal and research services, and trusted personal consultation in areas from finance to communications to human resources. Business as usual with a mix of creativity Cities in Minnesota played a special role in society’s response to the pandemic. Responsible for public safety, clean drinking water, and vital infrastructure, work in city halls and out on the streets never stopped during the shutdowns or shelter orders. Public servants stepped up to ensure public needs were met – from responding to emergency calls for help to flushing water mains, these folks kept things going in our state. First responders and other essential staff did not experience the conveniences of working from home. They risked their own health and safety to protect ours. While essential services continued seamlessly, cities developed innovative ways to respond to governance challenges imposed by the pandemic. Most notably, city officials fully embraced technology as a means to continue meeting through periods