Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

205 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 CANDLER COUNT Y SCHOOL DISTRICT Prioritizing High-Quality Facilities and Safety One of the key objectives outlined in the district’s strategic plan is the maintenance of what Longgrear describes as “high- quality operational facilities.” With a 10-year-old building accommodating pre-K to 8th-grade students and a recently upgraded high school, the next priority is to construct a dedicated campus for the College and Career Academy, which currently operates within the high school facility. Longgrear recognizes Pope Construction and Buckley and Associates and the value they bring to the design and building phases of this project, as well as the pivotal role that Assistant Superintendent Dr. John Jordan played in advocating for the pursuit of a $3.1 million grant from the Technical College System of Georgia. “We’ve sold $4.5 million in bonds to go along with that, to be repaid with SPLOST money,” Longgrear recounts, “So, we’re going to have a