Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

191 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 TROUP COUNT Y, GEORGIA growth and development. “People move into communities like ours because they’re looking for affordable housing, public safety, and a high quality of life,” he offers. “Those three things are critical to us over the next several years. We’re looking for a diversity of housing – more multi-family, more single-family, and more non-traditional housing for young professionals looking for apartments, townhouses, and studios. We’re seeing a lot of interest in that market. And we’ve got to continue to enhance public safety because we’ve got to continue to attract people here to fill our community.” In two years or less, West Georgia Technical College students are skilled, trained, and ready to enter theworkforce! Aunitof theTechnicalCollegeSystemofGeorgia. WestGeorgiaTechnicalCollegedoesnotdiscriminateon thebasisof race,color,creedor religion,militarystatus,nationalorethnicorigin,sex,age,ordisability.The followingperson(s)hasbeendesignated tomanage inquiries regarding thenondiscriminationpolicies:Equity (Title IX)Coordinator:DeanofStudents770.537.5722,176 MurphyCampusBlvd.,Waco,GA30182;ADA (Section504)Coordinators:Students:CareerandStudentSupportServicesManager,770.824.5245,176MurphyCampus Blvd.,Waco,GA30182,,Employees:HumanResourcesManager,770.537.6056,176MurphyCampusBlvd.,Waco,GA30182, the workforce of tomorrow is at 855.286.3462 For a lifestyle that changes with you. Where home is redefined to mean less worries and more convenience and services. Without the bother of home maintenance or repairs. Enjoy more of what life has to offer at Vernon Woods including chef-prepared meals, housekeeping, transportation, activities and wellness program and care when needed. Visit us online at or call 706.812.2899 to get started! It’s about Time Life on your terms, with comfort, service and peace of mind