Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

175 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 T I LLSONBURG , ONTARIO what they call the missing middle,” he says. “We are trying to target that gap to help the community grow in terms of transitional housing, and meeting federal targets, but also in what the CMHC fund calls the development of complete communities.” This entails an investment in not only the necessary housing infrastructure, but also community- related infrastructure such as fire, emergency services, parks, arenas, and community centers. Downtown Revitalization and Intensification For nearly five decades, Downtown Tillsonburg has been a central focus of the town’s economic development efforts. A distinctive addition to the downtown area occurred in the late 1970s when the town partnered with the private sector to develop the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall in the heart of the community. The mall, which features national chains and local brands serving a wider 50,000+ person market area – is one of the many initiatives undertaken by Town Council to ensure that the downtown remains vibrant.