Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

161 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 STRONGSVI LLE , OHIO Such is the recent word from Strongsville Economic Development Director Brent Painter. We recently spoke with Painter to ask him more about Strongsville, and he was happy to share what makes this remarkable city such a great place to live, work, and play. Life in Strongsville offers residents (most of them homeowners) a dense, suburban feel. There are many restaurants, coffee shops, and parks. “We are in a region in northeast Ohio that hasn’t seen a lot of population growth,” he says, “yet the city is strong. Per census data, it has continued to grow from 44,000 to 46,000 residents recently. We’re a great community that has a lot going for it. Almost a third of our community is green space, so we have a large section of the Google MetroParks that runs through our city.” He adds that Strongsville has a lot of single- family strong housing stocked throughout the city and great schools. On the business side, there is a booming retail area with any restaurant you can think of. A large regional mall, SouthPark