Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

156 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 city’s approach to enticing new enterprises. “We do have incentive packages that we discuss with new businesses,” he says. “We also have several already plotted industrial areas that are prepared with sewer and water, and even a couple of them have area detentions, which saves a lot of ground.” The power of partnerships and community engagement also plays a pivotal role in amplifying Spring Hill’s marketability. Berkey highlights the symbiotic relationship with the local Chamber of Commerce. “We have a really good Chamber of Commerce, and we partner very well with them,” he notes. “They’re very active in the community and surrounding areas.” Another cornerstone of Spring Hill’s appeal lies in its educational infrastructure. “We have an amazing school district,” Berkey adds. “That’s a big draw to a lot of families who want to get away from some of the bigger cities but still have a really good school district.” Burton concurs, emphasizing that the quality of the school district is a significant factor in residential growth and even correlates with the town’s robust median income. When it comes to external partnerships, Spring Hill casts a wide net. “We partner well with Miami County in terms of economic development,” Burton says. “I also have good relationships with Franklin County’s economic development and a lot of Johnson County economic development partners,” Massey adds another dimension to this collaborative approach. “We have really good partners throughout the metro area and also in Miami County and the surrounding counties,” he states. “But we also have really good internal staff that market directly to developers and property owners. Our community development department is very good at reaching out to them and bringing them into our community.” The Essence and Future of Spring Hill: A Community in the Making Spring Hill emerges as a vibrant patchwork of community, opportunity, and growth. Berkey encapsulates the town’s allure succinctly: “It’s got the small-town community feel, but yet you’re still close to the bigger communities. You have very low crime, a very family-oriented town, and with the rec department, there’s a lot of opportunities to get involved in lots of different ways for your family and your kids.” What sets Spring Hill apart is not just its