Civil Municipal - Oct 2023

137 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 OT TAWA , I LL INOIS 4. Historic Preservation: Ottawa’s commitment to preserving its historic character is also a driving force behind economic development. Restoring and repurposing historic buildings for modern use not only adds to the city’s charm but also provides unique opportunities for businesses to thrive in a distinctive setting. Economic Impact The economic impact of Ottawa’s development projects is already evident. Businesses are recognizing the potential of this vibrant community, and residents are seeing increased job opportunities and improved quality of life. One significant contributor to Ottawa’s economic resurgence is the growth of the tourism industry. The riverfront redevelopment, with its scenic beauty and recreational offerings, has made Ottawa a sought-after destination for tourists. This influx of visitors translates into revenue for local businesses, supporting job growth and stimulating economic activity. Additionally, the Ottawa Innovation Park has started to attract innovative companies and research institutions. These entities bring high-paying jobs and investment to the region while fostering a culture of innovation that can have a lasting positive impact on the local economy. Community Engagement Another critical element of Ottawa’s economic development strategy is community engagement. The city understands that for sustainable growth, it must actively involve its residents and businesses in the process. Public forums, surveys, and outreach programs ensure that the community’s voice is heard and considered in decision-making. Furthermore, Ottawa is investing in