Business View Civil and Municipal | Volume 2, Issue 10

59 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 2, ISSUE 10 MALAHIDE TOWNSHI P , ONTAR IO Economic Development Officer has even established connections with the film industry; there could be future opportunities for movies or TV shows to film in the Township, attracting even more interest in the area. More businesses mean more people and more housing. “There is a high demand for housing, and we can’t seem to meet it at present,” Mennill admits. “Usually, we’re putting up 25 to 30 single family houses per year, but that’s not enough. Springfield is our primary growth area and there’s potential for about 500 houses, but we only have sewage there. No municipal water. We’re trying to get support from the provincial and federal governments to help extend the water pipeline.” Betteridge adds that new lots are created through a land severance process, but it’s “a slow and arduous way to create housing properties.”