safety measures, such as fire hydrants, to parts of the community that currently rely on well water. The addition of high-density housing is essential for the town’s aging population.“We want to have aging in place, so our community demographics can stay within the area,” he relays. “We’re starting soon on construction of the Dugald Place project, a senior housing, assisted living facility. We hope to have construction starting quite soon, which is going to include a commercial pool area both. “Once our water treatment plant is up and running, we will be able to expand at a better rate, because we’re at capacity now with our current and aging infrastructure,” Therrien acknowledges. He shares that the RM has received a grant of $10.6 million for the new water treatment plant, adding, “That plant is going to be large enough that we can take in all the expansions that we need- obviously, in a graduated approach, we’re not just going to be throwing houses down. We have a great strategic plan.” The project will also bring additional fire 273 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11 SPRINGFIELD, MB