along Main Street, and a plethora of scenic landscapes and recreation amenities,Travelers Rest is working to become even more inviting and connected- creating an ideal place for both residents and visitors. A WELCOMING CITY “We are a very caring, loving, community-minded group,” Says Mayor Brandy Amidon. “People that visit are enthralled.You can go into the local coffee shop, meet the owner, they remember your name, and you feel connected to the community.” This sense of belonging is a draw, but it’s not just about the people.Travelers Rest also boasts a vibrant downtown, where a linear park offers an open air haven.“We were very intentional about capitalizing on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and creating pocket parks and making people feel the outdoor connection,” says the mayor. “We’ve had more tourism in the last 10 or 15 years, bringing people who love the outdoors. They come here, they eat, shop, and find a place of rest.” Downtown Travelers Rest is experiencing a renewal, bringing vibrancy to the community. “The city has done a good job of setting itself up with the Main Street that was sort of already in place,” reflects City Administrator, Shannon Herman. “Now Main Street is 90% occupied, and currently, we’re in the process of building out a central business district through a massive streetscaping project.” This development will extend the “downtown feel” to two additional streets, further connecting the area. RECREATION, CONNECTION AND QUALITY OF LIFE Planning Director, Jay Martin continues on the theme of connection, pointing out that greenspaces are a vital part of the city’s future plans. “Our goal is to activate both Gateway and Trailblazer Park. Right now, we have the Swamp Rabbit Trail running through, but we’re working on enhancing the connections to encourage more pedestrian traffic between these spaces,” he maintains. Purposeful planning is a focus to ensure these recreational spaces remain true to the character of Travelers Rest. “It’s not just about adding trendy 237 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11 TRAVELERS REST, SC