Civil Municipal Magazine - Nov 2023

149 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 11 WATSONVI LLE , CAL I FORNIA Revitalizing Watsonville: Infrastructure on the Rise Watsonville is not just a city with a rich history and vibrant culture; it’s also a city on the move, with ambitious infrastructure projects that promise to reshape its landscape and improve the quality of life for its residents. Mendez begins with an update on the city’s green spaces, “By the end of this year, we’re going to be able to bid on a complete renovation. Our largest park is Ramsey Park. We’re calling it our Renaissance Project.” This $20 million endeavor is just the tip of the iceberg. The downtown plaza is also set for a makeover, and a new nature center emphasizing sustainability and environmental education is in the works. On the transportation front, Mendez reports, “We just finished a major street reconstruction project and have another one underway.” He also mentions a significant $80 million project by the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency to lay pipes to transport water to the coast. But perhaps the most monumental undertaking is the Pajaro River project, a $400 million initiative to strengthen the levee system to prevent future flooding. “The first tranche of that project is hopefully starting by 2015. It’s about $160 million,” Mendez adds. Healthcare is also a priority. Mendez proudly shares, “Last year, this community bought back its hospital to the tune of $65 million.”