Civil Municipal Magazine - Nov 2023

139 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 11 SOUTH MI LWAUKEE , WISCONSIN with the Foundation’s help. With a significant $1.5 million investment, it now houses an event and catering space on the ground floor and the South Milwaukee Industrial Museum on the second. The museum pays homage to Bucyrus, mining, and their integral role in the city’s history. Bridging Education and Sustainability Technological evolution and heightened environmental consciousness are key drivers of any town’s growth today. South Milwaukee is seeking to seamlessly merge two crucial aspects: advancing STEM education and sustainability. Brever emphasizes the Bucyrus Foundation’s priority in introducing children to trades. South Milwaukee’s manufacturers are essential in aligning with the school district’s goals. “Any opportunity to bridge our manufacturers with the school district, we seize,” says Brever. By doing so, they address the dual challenges of keeping education relevant and providing alternate career paths for those not necessarily leaning toward traditional college routes. Mayzik lays down the terrain’s reality when the topic transitions to sustainability. South Milwaukee’s 98% development leaves little room for traditional green initiatives. “In the face of redevelopment, we urge projects to consider factors like stormwater initiatives or material reuse,” she explains. However, there are limitations due to the city’s fully-developed status. Yet, Jim Shelenske, Mayor of the City of South Milwaukee, offers a refreshing perspective. While urbanization has dominated most of South Milwaukee, a significant part remains untouched. “About a fourth of our city is Parkland,” he notes, painting a picture of the sprawling Grant Park that boasts hiking trails, picnic areas, an 18- hole golf course, and stunning views of Lake Michigan, not to mention a private yacht club. Further enhancing this picturesque image, Mayor Shelenske proudly speaks about the city’s trail network, which is essential for bikers and walkers. “The Oak Leaf Trail winds