Civil Municipal Magazine - Nov 2023

137 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 11 importance of local businesses, especially in the downtown area. “There’s a lot of pride in our downtown, particularly the Main Street, Milwaukee Avenue. While we’re looking to fill some vacant storefronts, we’ve witnessed considerable development. Our collaboration with regional entities like Milwaukee County, Milwaukee 7, and the state’s economic development corporation ensures we’re primed for growth.” An Urban Blend: Merging Industrial and Retail South Milwaukee, with its deep industrial roots, continues to redefine itself by aligning past strengths with future possibilities. Companies like Steele Solutions, Styled Aesthetic, and DBHW Wealth Partners are at the heart of this metamorphosis. All three have expanded their operations in the city, indicating a promising uptick in local employment. The lines between industrial and retail spaces seem to be blurring. Brever acknowledges that the Bucyrus campus, while industrial, presents opportunities for mixed-use development. “Styled Aesthetic, for instance, has a small storefront in their space within this manufacturing campus,” he points out. He also mentions that “there have been proposals for commercial or restaurant development at the Bucyrus campus, indicating a shared interest for both.” City Administrator Tami Mayzik brings a critical perspective into this conversation by drawing attention to the geographical significance of the Bucyrus campus. “The Bucyrus campus,” she clarifies, “is in the heart of our downtown. When a business like Styled Aesthetic moves from a storefront to the manufacturing campus, they’re still essentially in the downtown.” This interconnectedness means that changes to the Bucyrus campus have broader implications for South Milwaukee’s downtown vibrancy. With the city’s rich architectural history in mind, there’s been a conscious effort to preserve its essence while promoting growth. When asked about South Milwaukee’s appeal to businesses, Mayzik believes the unique blend of heritage and modernity is a magnet. “The Bucyrus campus, SOUTH MI LWAUKEE , WISCONSIN