Civil Municipal - May 2024

the district’s approach to security with proactive measures and strategic partnerships aimed at ensuring the safety of students and staff. Tri-Creek’s partnership with Sandy Hook Promise enables anonymous reporting via the Say Something program, underscoring the district’s dedication to fostering a culture of safety and vigilance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, implementing Nightlock® devices on classroom doors and granting the Lake County Sheriff’s Department access to video surveillance cameras showcases Tri-Creek’s proactive approach to addressing security concerns. Anderson stresses the high priority placed on safety, encapsulating the district’s dedication to safeguarding its educational community. Tri-Creek School Corporation remains resolute in providing a secure and nurturing environment through technological advancements such as CrisisGo©, strategic collaborations, and comprehensive security measures. PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS ON HOLD PENDING RESOURCE ACQUISITION Mr. Deal helped to guide an exploratory team for early childhood education at Tri-Creek and provided insights to the district’s challenges and opportunities. “We are in a rural community that does not have the provision of many early childhood development programs,” he explains.While existing programs cater to a small population, the demand far exceeds the available resources. 317-818-6888 1000 E 116th St, Carmel, IN Telamon Energy is a national solar partner with the expertise to design, develop, engineer and deploy solar arrays in any configuration. We have been in business since 1985 and in the solar arena since 2012, creating commercial solar energy systems that are designed to maximize the return on our clients’ investments while reducing annual electricity costs. Why solar in Indiana? Tri-Creek Elementary 1.7 MW DC Installed 1,805 Metric Tons CarbonDioxide (CO2)avoided annually 14.6% ROI TRI-CREEK SCHOOLS FAST FACTS 237 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 TRI -CREEK SCHOOL CORPORAT ION