Civil Municipal - May 2024

parents choose to send their children here, because of what we offer in the classroom.” A HOLISTIC APPROACH Recognizing that true excellence encompasses more than academic achievement, NBAS has dedicated resources towards a holistic education, engaging the services of social workers and counselors to support student mental health. A well-rounded approach is taken to student development, and the district has hired a College and Career Readiness Counselor to help guide high school students to their next pathway. “You have to look at all the needs of the child, and I’m going to always focus on why we’re in existence in the first place, which is to give our students opportunities,” notes Fish. Theresa Rae, Principal at North Branch Elementary School talks about the student-centric approach in the district, where success for every student is the goal, and technology is integrated as a tool rather than a focal point. “Our philosophy at the elementary school is about exposing them to a variety of learning techniques, learning styles, and tools. We offer creative movement, which reaches our kinesthetic learners. We offer STEM and SmartLab, which both focus on the engineering design process, and we also offer music and art. Our approach is to reach the whole child,” she conveys. Embracing Innovation At NBAS, innovation isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a way of life.This is evident through the district’s commitment to providing unparalleled opportunities, such as the SmartLab studios which have been made available for elementary and middle school students. Austin James, a passionate teacher at Ruth Fox Middle School, elaborates, “The district has graciously provided us with a space where students can explore different technology. It’s led to a lot of creativity, critical thinking, and development of leadership skills. The goal of it is to expose students to technology, not for technology’s sake, but so that they can use the technology and leverage it to 223 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 NORTH BRANCH AREA SCHOOLS