Civil Municipal - May 2024

stems from broader societal challenges, including those exacerbated by the pandemic. Galiano acknowledges these pressures: “There’s a national trend, an epidemic of loneliness, and we’re seeing significant mental health issues post-pandemic.” She emphasizes the village’s strategy to counteract these issues by strengthening community bonds and improving overall quality of life. Amidst these wellness-focused endeavors, Pinecrest is also confronting the challenge of housing diversity. Mayor Corradino discusses the changes in housing dynamics since the village’s incorporation.“Originally, Pinecrest featured smaller homes on large lots. Now, these lots are increasingly occupied by much larger homes, some as large as 25,000 square feet,” he notes. This evolution in property size and value has inadvertently led to issues of affordability and accessibility for various demographic groups within the community. Recognizing the need for a more inclusive housing strategy, particularly considering the displacement of some community members, Mayor Corradino outlines the village’s approach to diversification. “We’re looking to diversify our housing stock, especially along the US-1 corridor where rapid transit lines are being developed,” he explains. The plan includes transitioning from single-family homes to more multifamily structures and higher-density mixed-use developments around transit stations. INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT As Pinecrest continues to evolve, significant investment in infrastructure and development projects is reshaping its physical and communal environment. Planning Director Stephen Olmsted provides a comprehensive overview of recent initiatives. “We’ve completed major projects like the expansion of potable water services to all homes in Pinecrest, which was a significant undertaking by our Public Works Department,” he says.This project ensures that all residents can access reliable and safe water, a fundamental aspect of public health and well-being. VISIT WWW.WSH-LAW.COM WSHC+B proudly serves as the village attorney for Pinecrest. We congratulate them for their many accomplishments and much- deserved recognition. WSHC+B is a full-service Florida law Firm that provides business, government, and non-profit clients with a wide array of legal services including land-use and real estate, corporate governance and transactions, technology, construction, labor and employment, dispute resolution, government law, and governmental affairs. The Firm has represented hundreds of governmental entities throughout the State of Florida since the Firm’s inception in 1991. MIAMI | FT. LAUDERDALE | BOCA RATON | GAINESVILLE 163 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 PINECREST, FL