Business View Civil & Municipal - May 2023

114 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 area, but he emphasizes the importance of smaller businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit of the city’s immigrant population, stating: “We’re 65% Hispanic, a highly entrepreneurial demographic not afraid to launch businesses.” Svaty also highlights the various industries thriving in the region, such as the largest ethanol production facility in the state (Arkalon Ethanol and Conestoga Energy Partners), the largest cotton warehouse in the nation, and a nearby dairy farm boasting one of the largest rotary milking parlors in the world. To support the growth of small businesses and attract niche industries, Svaty says the city aims to leverage its resources, including land, low environmental impact, and raw materials, besides exploring opportunities in value-added agriculture, housing components and elements, and cotton production. This push to support small “mom and pop”