Business View Civil & Municipal - May 2023

112 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 This prime location places the town just a few miles from the borders of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico, making it a true “springboard from the west into Kansas.” Recognizing the importance of its geographical location, Liberal plans to capitalize on this advantage through improved marketing and public awareness. Varnado shares that they will hire a public affairs director to help with legislative affairs and spearhead a coordinated marketing campaign. This initiative will involve collaboration between the Chamber, Seward County Development Corporation, tourism, and local investors. The goal is to effectively convey Liberal’s unique position and significance to a broader audience, attracting visitors and potential residents. To bolster its infrastructure and further solidify its status as a central transportation hub, Liberal, Kansas, has $30 million in proposed or anticipated road improvements on the horizon. City Manager Varnado explains that much of the funding is allocated for the state- funded expansion of Highway 54, a project that has been in the works for over a decade. Additionally, improvements are planned for Highway 83, which stretches from the Oklahoma state line northward toward Garden City. To enhance traffic and commerce, Liberal has recently joined forces with Garden City and Scott City to create the Highway 83 freight corridors. Varnado acknowledges that the town has missed opportunities due to the lack of a four- lane highway. Still, with the state’s support and collaboration with the county, they are investing a lot of local money to enhance those roadways. These road improvements will increase the ease of commerce, further establishing Liberal as a central transportation hub and attracting more business opportunities. The beef industry also plays a pivotal role in the local economy of Liberal. Svaty highlights