Civil Municipal - Mar 2024

enhancing their readiness to respond effectively if needed.” INTO 2024: GOALS AND PRIORITIES As the Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools district engages in a new calendar year, it sets ambitious goals and priorities to continue the trajectory of excellence. This approach underlines the district’s commitment to maintaining high standards and innovating and adapting to an ever-changing educational landscape. Dr. Jackson outlines critical objectives for the upcoming year, with a strong emphasis on instructional quality.“Our primary focus is improving our teacher evaluation scores for core instruction.We believe that stellar instruction is at the heart of our success,” he says. This goal addresses the challenge posed by the ever-changing metrics of state assessments. “Instead of targeting fluctuating state assessment scores, we’re zeroing in on the quality of instruction, confident that this will naturally lead to improved student performance and state assessment CALL NOW Interior Design Site Planning Programming Master Planning Architecture Feasibility Studies Facility Assessments Construction Administration Design Criteria Development LANCER ASSOCIATES We build our business one relationship at a time. Terry Lancer, CEO 317-797-6595 327 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 SUNMAN-DEARBORN COMMUNI TY SCHOOLS