Civil Municipal - Mar 2024

A COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT, DELIVERY, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES For over twenty years, The Stenftenagel Grouphas administered construction projects on behalf of School Corporations in southern and central Indiana. We achieve maximum value for School Corporations through our expertise in facility assessment, project design, procurement, on-site construction observation, and facility maintenance. As the Clerk of the Works, we bridge the relationship between Owner, designer, contractors, and product representatives to effectively communicate the Owner’s desires to the project team. We aim to deliver thoughtfully designed projects that incorporate purpose, durability, efficiency and the highest quality craftsmanship. Contact us to discuss your renovation, retrofit, and new construction needs. WWW.STENGROUP.COM • 812.639.8177 • INFO@STENGROUP.COM • 2602 NEWTON STREET, SUITE C, JASPER, IN 47546 317 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 GREATER JASPER CONSOL IDATED SCHOOLS