Civil Municipal - Mar 2024

students aware of future options, whether pursuing higher education through Advanced Placement or dual credit programs, or entering the workforce directly,making sure they feel engaged and supported through their education journey. Dr. Lorey emphasizes,“We have established a profile of a graduate, which identifies attributes that we desire for our students to attain that set them up to be successful not only as a student but as a contributing adult in our community.When you pair that with all of the college and career coaching and guidance and then the course opportunities that are available to our students, you get a robust program that meets the needs of nearly every student.” SAFETY AND MENTAL HEALTH Addressing the critical importance of safety and security, Dr. Lorey relays that the district collaborates with the city of Jasper to employ school resource officers. “We feel like we have a great partnership with our local law enforcement,” she maintains. “You will see them patrolling and just being a presence on our campuses in the mornings,whenever students are dropped off, or helping direct traffic when they’re being picked up at the end of the day. And just having that presence, I think just shows our community that we take safety seriously.” Moreover, the district acknowledges the significance of adopting a holistic approach and staying attuned to the well-being of its students.“There was a shine down on a lot of increased anxiety and mental health needs of students during the pandemic, and Jasper has not been immune to that,” she admits. “We have social workers that are assigned to each of our schools who work both proactively and then individually with students on their mental health needs. And that’s just as much of an important support service that we provide as is all of the security measures that we have in place.” INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE WWW.DANCOCONSTRUCTIONONLINE.COM THANK YOU We are proud to be your General Contractor for the recent construction of the new Jasper Elementary School, the Jasper Schools Transportation Facility, Jasper Alumni Stadium Renovations, and the upcoming Ruxer Ball Fields Project. We Build Your Future Today! 315 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 GREATER JASPER CONSOL IDATED SCHOOLS