Civil and Municipal - Mar 2023

95 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 TAYLOR , TE XAS to that, not very far from Taylor is the Tesla manufacturing facility, and we have seen a lot of Tesla-related businesses and suppliers also looking to locate in Taylor because of the close proximity that we provide to the Tesla plant,” he conveys. “So that has been our framework, and it’s certainly been a monumental shift in thinking since the Samsung announcement and has really kind of focused our energies into the high- tech and semiconductor manufacturing field.” As for what made Taylor the right choice for Samsung, Yantis says the city, along with Williamson County, the Taylor Independent School Board, and the state of Texas collaborated on a package that would put them in the running as an attractive option. “We are in a great location, with the proximity to the Austin Metro area, which is already known as a hub for high technology businesses. We were able to put together a package that would provide them with the utility infrastructure