Civil and Municipal - Mar 2023

28 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 afloat even prior to the pandemic.” He adds, “This last fall, we were able to execute a development agreement for phase one of the downtown mall redevelopment. This project will add 150 apartment units into the area with retail space on the ground floor, a truly mixed-use project. We’re really excited about the future of that space.” The City also worked with the State of Wisconsin to upgrade the renowned Landmark building, which was developed in the mid-1920s. Having undergone a variety of transformations over the last century, the Landmark has followed Wausau’s new affinity for mixed-use buildings and now features affordable housing for approximately 100 residents as well as business, retail, and hospitality spaces. This push to increase Wausau’s residential capability comes as a response to a lack of workers available to local businesses. www. greenf i re . com From the Fox River to the Wisconsin River, From new construction to renovations, From The Brio to The Zuelke Building, Greenfire is Your Construction Manager.