Civil and Municipal - Mar 2023

133 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 and their ability to grow within our operation as an important investment to make sure that we’re able to fill high level roles with our own employees in the future,” says Hoyos All this effort ensures that employees stay at the company and means that staff retention is not a problem, as it is across many industries. What has affected DreamFields is supply chain issues. Sourcing a constant crop of cannabis is tricky. Local flower suppliers must test their crops and comply with rigorous internal and state standards for testing. The raw material can be sent to the manufacturing process only once the product has undergone these tests. And the supply chain for the cannabis industry is different depending on what state you’re dealing with. Another element is finding cannabis growers who can meet DreamFields quality standards and can provide the volumes needed for the consumers. However, in 2022, international suppliers were the real issue. DreamFields packaging and artwork are supplied by an international supplier, who was badly affected by supply chain issues, with lead times of three weeks turning into three months. This is an issue that can shut down operations. “We promoted individuals within our company to specialize in dealing with these issues in the future and now plan production six to eight months ahead,” says Hoyos. As a company, DreamFields most significant partner is the city of Desert Hot Springs, California. The city is a developing area, and together the company has maintained a good partnership which has been integral for both parties. DreamFields has partnered with the city with most of its recent public events for the greater community. And as members of multiple committees in the city, the company has been DREAMFI ELDS able to advise and develop ideas around the city. A significant project with DreamFields and the city is revitalizing the downtown area, which has meant attending meetings about what businesses should be included and what public transportation projects should be undertaken. “I’ve been involved with the city looking at public transportation efforts. I see people walking in the middle of the desert during summer or winter, and the Coachella Valley is very hot or very cold and windy. So now we’re investigating public transportation strategies and parking that would allow for a shuttle service,” says Hoyos. With these initiatives that the company is participating in, DreamFields hopes to establish and maintain a good relationship with the city and improve upon it, moving into the future. And as a company that cares about families, DreamFields has ensured that all its products are sold in child-resistant packaging (CRP). Moving into 2023, the company’s top initiative is investing in its people. The new facility was bought because it is a friendlier working environment for employees. DreamFields is also investing in training,