Business View Civil Municipal June 2023

9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 Source, editor, First Published 11, May, 2023 WASHINGTON — During a Mental Health Awareness Month fly-in in Washington this week, the National Association of Counties (NACo) Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing released new research highlighting county perspectives on addressing the mental health crisis. In addition to the report, county leaders joined the White House State and Local Partners Forum on Mental Health and Wellbeing and met on Capitol Hill with the Bipartisan Mental Health Caucus and the Bipartisan Addiction Task Force. “If people do not have mental health, they do not have health,” said Winfrey. “With our vast responsibilities in public health, safety, human services, emergency response and more, county governments see the full picture when it comes to mental health. This new data underscores the need for stronger intergovernmental partnerships and outcomes.” The survey draws data from a representative sample of 232 U.S. counties of varying population sizes from every region of the country. Based on that data, the report presents five key takeaways: • The nation is facing an acute escalation of the mental and behavioral health crisis. COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING ADVOCATES FOR POLICY SOLUTIONS AT WHITE HOUSE, ON CAPITOL HILL OPENING LINES