Business View Civil Municipal June 2023

87 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 next 40 years with the recently completed plant. Joining the conversation, Mayor Connie Boyer highlights the crucial role of community involvement in managing the city’s growth. “It’s about having many people involved and relying on each other to do certain projects,” she says. Over the last 20 years, Fairfield has successfully planned strategically, using data to guide its next steps and ensure steady progress. During the pandemic, Fairfield demonstrated its resilience. “Nobody was coming from the outside to save us,” Boyer admits. “It was incumbent upon each business to maneuver and change as needed.” The city supported its local businesses as much as possible, but ultimately, the success lay in the hands of the business owners themselves. Boyer also champions volunteer stewardship, noting that city council members and staff alone can’t handle everything the community desires. The ebb and flow of volunteer activities have been heartening, and the city eagerly anticipates the fruits of their collective labor. Sustainability is not just an abstract ideal in Fairfield but a pragmatic approach to community betterment. Mayor Boyer explains, “We have a segment of the population that is lower income. If there are ways that we can help them save money through sustainability, we want to take full advantage.” She cites an example of a resident whose electric bill averages just $12 a month due to the incorporation of solar panels, proving the tangible benefits of sustainable living. The city is also exploring a pilot project for food waste, an initiative that could keep waste management costs at bay. Safety, undoubtedly, remains a cornerstone of any thriving community. Despite the challenges of hiring for the police force, Mayor Boyer affirms that Fairfield is inching closer to full staffing. She shares, “Hopefully, over the next year or two, we will be fully staffed, which will greatly enhance our public safety.” FAI RFI ELD, IOWA