Business View Civil Municipal June 2023

83 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 “This project resulted from a strong city partnership with tax increment financing and successful awards from the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s workforce housing tax credit program,” Laraby adds. The Lincoln Court subdivision, an owner-occupied multifamily development, is another noteworthy project, bringing in an approximate valuation of $2.5 million. Both these residential developments are born out of necessity, as Laraby acknowledges. “We are no different from any other rural American community needing significantly more workforce housing. These projects are meeting that demand.” Fairfield’s vision is also evolving and expanding, establishing it as an attractive destination for businesses and families. The city’s economic development is taking center stage, catering to various sectors and working towards serving all housing needs. Laraby notes, “Our largest employing sector FAI RFI ELD, IOWA MORE THAN ENGINEERING. MAKING LIVES BETTER. At McClure, we’re dedicated to helping you succeed. With a friction-free process from concept to completion. Challenge us to make lives better in your community. YOUR VISION. ENGINEERED HERE. CIVIL | STRUCTURAL | SURVEYING | PLANNING