Business View Civil Municipal June 2023

63 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 CARLSBAD NEW ME X ICO Mayor Dale Janway describes the city as a gateway to both Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park, while not undermining the beautiful recreational offerings within Carlsbad itself. He says, “One of our main goals is to continue to develop city recreational facilities along the Pecos River. Recently we’ve added a footbridge that joins a portion of our park area where our water park is located, to the area where our new miniature golf course is located.” The Carlsbad Miniature Golf Course is built within Lake Carlsbad Golf Course, a municipally owned course that is a source of pride in the community, as the mayor portrays, “It’s a beautiful 18-hole course built right along the river, and it has been a great hit for visitors and tourists.” Named the first ‘Age Friendly’ community in New Mexico by the AARP, the city’s Age- Friendly Council recently organized the Mayor’s Miniature Golf Tournament, encouraging CONTINUING A CULTURE OF SAFETY WIPP LEADERSHIP ACADEMY