Business View Civil Municipal June 2023

20 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 grant from the EDA has been awarded to the community, and Haynes says that this will help to get the project off the ground. As for what types of businesses the parks are attracting, he reports, “It’s mainly small manufacturers. Small to medium-sized companies, anywhere from 10 to 50 employees is what we target. We try to diversify and bring something here that is not tied to the oid field, but then at the end of the day, the oil industry provides 90% of our jobs. That’s our bread and butter.” With this in mind, Andrews has worked to make the city a hub for the oil field companies that are spread throughout West Texas, incentivizing them to locate their headquarters in the community. As a city experiencing growth, Andrews has recognized a need for more diverse housing options. Although several custom builders are bringing high-quality homes to the community, Haynes says that the challenge is in providing entry-level residences that are affordable for first- time home buyers. “We need a little bit smaller