Business View Civil Municipal - July 2023

52 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 Banning’s commitment to sustainable development is clear, with built-in incentives that promote green practices. Schulze elaborates, “In California, any size development is typically challenged by the California Environmental Quality Act... Because we have our own electric utility, and our electric rates are amongst the lowest in California, that’s a built-in incentive. Same with our water rates. We have an ample supply of water, unlike many cities in California. And our rates are also very competitive compared to the neighboring communities.” Moreover, Banning takes a unique approach to renewable energy. Instead of placing the onus on residential and commercial developments to install solar panels, the city has integrated renewable energy into its electric utility. Schulze states, “The cherry on top is that our electric utility is approaching 80% renewable, so we do not need our residential or commercial developments to put solar on their properties because we’ve already met and exceeded the California targets for green energy.” In this race for sustainability, Banning is leading the pack. When asked if the city was ahead of the curve regarding green initiatives, Schulze’s reply was confident: “Yes, by a long way.” The city’s proactive measures in embracing renewable energy and sustainable practices have positioned it as an appealing destination for individuals and businesses alike and a trailblazer in green living and operation. Banning’s downtown area, a once thriving hub in the 40s and 50s, fondly remembered as the Palm Springs of Southern California, has been facing a bit of a crisis. “About the time the interstate went through, things changed for the downtown, and it spiraled downhill for several decades,” Schulze explains. The downturn in fortune has led to a significant number of vacant buildings, a situation complicated by absentee property owners who hold their properties for tax purposes, leaving them intentionally empty. “They’re sitting vacant intentionally,” Trusted to deliver. Helping businesses stay ahead of their rapidly evolving logistics real estate requirements. Ryan McClean Executive Director (310) 321.3810