Business View Civil Municipal - July 2023

51 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 BANNING , CAL I FORNIA Loma Linda. This project, expected to consist of between 1,500 and 2,000 homes, is situated in an area known as The Banning Bench. Schulze describes the location: “It’s located on a plateau overlooking the city and San Jacinto Mountains. It will have fantastic views. A little cooler climate in the summer when we get some heat here.” This portrays a haven with captivating views, offering residents a cooler retreat during the hotter months. However, what truly sets this project apart is its approach to housing. “It’s great to have Loma Linda, a healthcare provider and medical university, looking at a residential development because they look at it from a different perspective than your traditional housing developer. Loma Linda is looking at it from a healthy living perspective,” Schulze reveals. This perspective breathes a new dimension into residential planning, focusing not just on the structure of homes but also on the well-being of the residents.