Business View Civil Municipal - July 2023

2 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 EDI TOR ’S NOTES The lazy and hazy days of summer are at our doorstep. Families across the country are winding down from a busy year and schools are about to close their doors for the summer ahead. While a summer slowdown may be imminent for some, the opposite is true for the dynamic companies as well as the towns, cities, and counties that we were privileged to profile for our July issue. Although some may be heading for the beach or cabin, city officials are hard at work implementing a host of community initiatives to benefit their residents. With summer trips in the works for many, tourism remains top of the agenda for the municipalities that we viewed for this issue. Tourism dollars are rolling in as quickly as the waves at the top tourist ocean hotspots. We spoke with city officials across the US from Lago Vista, Greenville, and Floresville, Texas to the sunny shores of Cape Coral, Florida on a range of other issues including infrastructure upgrades, community events, and business attraction and retention. If there is one thing that all of us see when we hit the road for our summer vacations, it is constant road work and construction of all types and forms. For our July issue, we caught up with several top construction and building experts to discuss the state of the construction sector and some of the top items tucked in their tool belts. We spoke with Divco Homes, ProCon, and JD Stairs to get a view of what lies ahead for them in the latter half of 2023 and into the new year. This issue also features an ongoing series focusing on dynamic and leading school districts across the US with a deep dive into the special role they play in their respective communities. We sat down with the Superintendents and school staff of Jackson Local School District and the Lebanon Community School Corporation to discuss topics ranging from stem education, workforce, apprenticeships initiatives, and the changing curriculum to meet our demanding new economy. We also caught up with the directors of leading companies including Griffith, Millennium, and Tailored Management to discuss the remarkable growth they are seeing in their business models as well as industry trends to stay on top of. With all our profiles our hope is that our valued business leaders learn a little something new about their relevant business sector as well as something about key developments within other business sectors that may serve to increase productivity and represent a model to strive for. Turning to all things aviation, we had a bird’s eye view into different operational upgrades taking flight at Four Corners Regional Airport, Claremont Municipal Airport, and Rogue Valley International Airport. All three dynamic airports serve as a gateway to areas that are some of the most beautiful in the nation while drawing in more tourism dollars to each of their local areas. The big takeaway with this issue is that as many of us may look to relax and wind down over the summer months, we know at Business View that business never stops and the hard work continues as the summer months roll out. Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers,