Civil Municipal - January 2025

invest in the curriculum, and we invest in students. We have people that want to come work here, and when positions come available, we’ve had people come in that were willing to take pay cuts just to get in our district, because they know what we do for our students.” According to Fulks, one of the district’s defining features is the supportive family-like atmosphere. “It is great that our administration believes in us enough to let us try things in our classroom, in our curriculum,” she says.“We always say, we’re a family. Once you’re here, you don’t leave, unless you retire. You want to come in every day.You see these people, and they’re your friends, and they’re your family.” FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT Jefferson-Morgan has managed to avoid raising taxes for 12 years, a point of pride for the district. Beal reports, “We look at everything we can do to keep taxes the same, because it’s a big burden for everybody. We really do like that we haven’t had to raise taxes. It’s not like that is never going to happen, but we try to prolong that as much as we can” The district’s financial strategy includes a capital improvements fund to address larger infrastructure 283 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 01 JEFFERSON-MORGAN SCHOOL DISTRICT