Civil Municipal - January 2025

yourself to a college course.” The district also places a strong emphasis on helping students explore post-secondary institutions before making enrollment decisions. Through its College and Career class, juniors and seniors tour universities, trade schools, and technical colleges. In addition, representatives from colleges and vocational programs frequently visit the school to meet with students. “They get exposure to 15 to 20 different post educational programs,” explains Loring.“They’re seeing what campuses actually look like.” next step, whether they want to continue on with schooling or not.” Jefferson-Morgan tries to provide a diverse array of pathways to explore, bringing in new options based on student interests. “I was here when we started the Vo Ag (Vocational Agriculture) program,” recounts Fulks. “We had one student who wanted to do it, and we searched for a VO AG program for that student.That’s what’s nice about a small school. We’ll get it done.” Another example is the popular JROTC program, which is offered in partnership with a neighboring school. Collaboration with institutions like West Virginia University, Penn West University, and Waynesburg University allow students to earn college credits while still in high school. “We have kids who have left here with 18 college credits,” Robinson depicts. “At that time, they were paying $75 for a three credit class. So, you’re saving yourself 1000s and 1000s of dollars, but more importantly, you’re exposing We are proud to serve the Jefferson-Morgan School District - named one of the Best Managed School Districts in Pennsylvania! 281 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 01 JEFFERSON-MORGAN SCHOOL DISTRICT