OPENING LINES AVIATION COMMUNITY UNITES IN SUPPORT OF A SAFE, RESILIENT AND MODERNIZED ATC SYSTEM Source:, Dan Hubbard, First Published Feb 19th The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today joined with 33 other stakeholder groups representing the broad spectrum of aviation in sending a letter urging Congress to fund improvements to air traffic controller hiring and system modernization, to enhance the safety and efficiency of the National Airspace System. In addressing the lawmakers, the letter clearly states that the entire aviation community is “…Ready to work with you to ensure the FAA is more capable and prepared to deliver economic growth, foster American innovation, adapt to challenges, and continue to be the safest, largest, and most complex air traffic control system in the world. Please let us know what we can do to support your consideration and efforts,” the letter adds. Also of significant importance, the letter states: “We are aligned on not pursuing privatization of U.S. air traffic control services and believe it would be a distraction from these needed investments and reforms.” “The fact that the entire aviation community has united around strengthening the safety and efficiency of our nation’s air transportation system, without being distracted by unproductive debates, is meaningful,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. 11 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02