Civil Municipal - Feb 2024

Over the next three years, the New Hope-Solebury School District will continue to reimagine its classrooms to be future-focused learning environments. The rollout begins at the high school and systematically extends to the middle and elementary schools. “There are pilot areas, such as the K-2 building, with a unique indoor jungle space complete with plant-themed lighting and tables shaped like trees,” says Minniti. track. Dr. Lentz says, “This development is a source of excitement, particularly since the grounds are utilized and valued by the community.” The new complex will include a press box, concession stand, and team rooms. WHAT LAYS AHEAD? NewHope-Solebury’s future priorities revolve around ensuring student success in higher education and solid career choices. 197 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 NEW HOPE-SOLEBURY SCHOOL DISTRICT