Civil Municipal - Feb 2024

PROFILE OF THE GRADUATE AND EDUCATION PATHWAYS In the latest comprehensive plan,NewHope-Solebury officials and the community defined ten qualities for students in the “Profile of the Graduate.” Benolken highlights,“These include being collaborative, ethical, and effective communicators.” The district ensures alignment with this profile by framing opportunities through these lenses. Benolken poses a question, “Are we giving our students the chance to practice these skills before they leave?” Another initiative, Career Pathways, involves freshmen in a college and career preparation course, allowing them to tailor their educational experience. Benolken explains, “We have three pathways, culminating with a 60-hour internship project, known as APEX, connecting students with mentors and providing hands-on experiences. Students seek their own placements offsite and have interned with a range of facilitators, from a local veterinarian office to Google’s headquarters in California.” The learning extends beyond, with students presenting experiences to underclassmen and faculty,making this program a mandatory graduation requirement. New Hope-Solebury School District integrates education with real-world skills, shaping well-rounded graduates prepared for life beyond school. The school’s concentration on student involvement extends to feedback and leadership opportunities. “We have a valuable Student Advisory Committee, so the students have input,” states Dr. Lentz. The district deliberately creates opportunities for student participation in decision-making by incorporating their feedback on restructuring classrooms, open spaces, and the high school stadium. Five years ago, the stadium was in disrepair, hindering competitive play. NHSD started a capital campaign, securing $1.2 million in philanthropic funds for a comprehensive $2.5 million renovation. The result, which incorporated student concepts, is a transformed sports arena, with turf and a new Photo Credit: Lisa Schaffer 196 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02