Civil Municipal - Feb 2024

In response to widespread post-pandemic struggles with social-emotional well-being and stress levels, Dr. Lentz explains a shift in the high school schedule. “We built a block schedule of four periods a day, with a period in the middle called “Lunch and Learn” where students can decompress.” This freedom promotes peer bonding and improved connections with teachers, fostering essential social-emotional well-being. To equip staff with the necessary tools, the district is investing in Mental Health First Aid training for secondary employees. “We have one teacher and a guidance counselor pursuing this certification, and then they will train the rest of our staff,”Minniti says. These initiatives underscore New Hope-Solebury’s preemptive approach, acknowledging the need for a comprehensive mental health plan that involves a supportive environment. Recognizing the imperative for heightened security measures is an essential reality, Scott Radaszkiewicz, Director of District Operations, emphasizes,“We take safety seriously.” Adopting the ALICE protocols for active intruder incidents, the district focuses on alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate. The district maintains a comprehensive and detailed safety plan, working routinely with external partners to conduct safety and security assessments and to implement their recommendations. Enhancing staff visibility and identification is another priority. With unfamiliar staff members, the district seeks heightened awareness. Radaszkiewicz urges anyone spotting an unfamiliar face to report it: “If you do not recognize them, call the office and say I saw somebody walking through the hallways.” Local law enforcement collaboration is integral, with police familiarized with school layouts.Radaszkiewicz notes, “They have master keys to all our buildings and conduct training drills on our campus,” ensuring a swift response. The district remains grounded in the belief that preparedness is fundamental. Photo Credit: Lisa Schaffer 195 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 NEW HOPE-SOLEBURY SCHOOL DISTRICT