Civil Municipal - Feb 2024

in academic and extracurricular pursuits, noting,“We are in a suburban district that enjoys quite a bit of success both in and out of the classroom. We have exceeded expectations year after year.We have been ranked as high as seventh in the state. This year, we were ranked sixteenth, but when you look at school districts that have 2000 or more students, we are number three in the state.” AN IDEAL EDUCATION EXPERIENCE IN A VIBRANT COMMUNITY Brecksville-Broadview Heights’ student body reflects a strong and growing community, as Harrison notes, “We’re an established community. We don’t have a lot of brand new development, but it is a desirable district to move to because of the proximity to downtown Cleveland, and also because of the rich history of education in our district. With 400 employees, including 275 teachers, the district takes pride in the experience of its staff, and the fact that many consider Brecksville-Broadview Heights a district of choice. “Typically, when teachers join us, they retire from here, which provides us with a lot of stability, as well as provides us with a lot of expertise in our classroom that our students have the great benefit of,” he boasts. Looking ahead, Harrison hopes to build on this reputation, in his words, “making this a destination district where people want to work, learn and enjoy. If we can accomplish that with students, staff, and community, we are going to be successful. No matter how we go about our business. No matter what theories we use, no matter what styles of education we use.” In describing the qualities of an ideal educator for the district, Harrison states,“Being the content expert or curriculum expert is important but is not the most important part of being a high-quality educator that we look for here in Brecksville-Broadview Heights. We want an educator who’s going to build genuine, authentic relationships with our students and colleagues, who are student-centered, and is willing to do whatever it takes to have our students be successful.” As for what sets Brecksville-Broadview Heights 161 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 BRECKSVI LLE-BROADVIEW HEIGHTS CI TY SCHOOL DISTRICT