Civil Municipal - Feb 2024

home. The village of Beachburg is experiencing similar growth, as Burton shares,“They’re constructing homes such that it’s supporting the influx of residents of that community, which brings the development of small to medium size amenities, including retail stores and pharmacies.” Home to approximately 7,200 residents,Whitewater Home to approximately 7,200 residents,Whitewater Region thrives on a robust community spirit and remains dedicated to both expansion and ongoing infrastructure development, setting the stage for future growth and opportunity in the years to come. Introducing some of the key features of the community, Mayor Neil Nicholson states,” The majority of our landscape is agricultural or waterfront.We have a lot of lakes, we have over 100 kilometers of the Ottawa River coastline, and we have a very rich agricultural industry.We can generate over 30% of livestock sales within the county, with only 8% of a landmass.” AN ENGAGED COMMUNITY Lane Cleroux, Manager of Public Works, highlights the incredible warmth and community spirit in Whitewater Region, noting, “There is a very strong presence of volunteers. Every village has a community association. So, it’s very welcoming and very passionate what the residents put into the community.” CAO Ivan Burton adds that volunteer efforts begin at the youth level, extending through every generation. This is exemplified through the popular agricultural fairs held in the township, which are organized by the local agricultural societies. Whitewater Region is also host to three Christmas Parades, maintaining the unique identity of the former communities. “These are led in our more populated villages of Cobden, and Beachburg, and Westmeath,” says Burton. “But it’s interesting to see that the pride for their area of the community is such that the pre-amalgamated communities still exist and still operate their events.” INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT The Whitewater Region is witnessing an uptick in residential development, particularly in the villages of Cobden and Beachburg. “We have a couple of developers in these villages that are prominently developing subdivisions, which are becoming our new communities,” recounts Burton. He names Bonnechere Excavating Incorporated (BEI) who are developing a community in Cobden, close to the downtown core, an existing school, and a retirement 129 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 WHI TEWATER REGION, ON