Business View Civil & Municipal | Volme 3, Issue 2
53 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 occupancy levels. I think the key is that outsiders are seeing the attractiveness of Belleville and the opportunity. They are purchasing properties and starting businesses themselves, and making those improvements that we’re seeing. Now outsiders validate what we knew, which is that this is a great place to be and to do business.” Businesses are indeed seeing the benefits, as the first IHOP outside of Niagara Falls is coming to Belleville, and the manufacturing industry is expanding with Proctor and Gamble making investments in a new line and a larger facility. Many more inquiries are also coming through. Having a stable, well-staffed healthcare sector is becoming an ever-increasing demand, and Belleville has about 15 doctors per 100,000 people, which is more than many communities. The city invests tax dollars into its very successful doctor recruitment program for medical students. They also have a nurse sza Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd. BELLEV I LLE , ONTAR IO
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