Business View Civil & Municipal | Volme 3, Issue 2

51 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 outdoor tennis and basketball courts, as well as adding a BMX pump track to their skateboard park, along with beautifying Belleville’s outdoor spaces. Panciuk explains, “That’s one of the by-products of COVID-19… we’ve really seen people enjoy an outdoor active lifestyle. So we are going to be continuing to build new recreation facilities. Again, these are all quality of life investments we’re making for our current residents but they really do continue to make our community very attractive for people who want to move here.” To that end, the city has introduced financial incentives for builders to create both high density and low density, new, and redeveloped rental housing to diversify affordability. As for connectivity, the urban areas of Belleville are well serviced with fiber internet, and Rogers Communications Inc. has announced a significant investment to lay fiber infrastructure to the more rural parts of the city. BELLEV I LLE , ONTAR IO