Business View Civil and Municipal | February 2021

18 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL FEBRUARY 2021 BVM BRAND MARKET ING A must-have tactic for 2021 In order to keep up and remain at the forefront of consumers’ minds, brands need to focus their strategies on telling a story. Storytelling is as old as mankind, dating back to cave paintings and the bible. And modern-day storytelling allows brands to use the full extent of multi- channel media, applying to all of the five senses. It allows the brand to educate, taking the consumer on an educational journey rather than advertising, which can only convey one message at a time. It can build in sub plots, ethos, ethics and values, bringing the full personality of the brand as well as the people behind these brands to life, while also highlighting how these ‘personality traits’ mirror those of the consumer. It is through this ‘bonding’ that the consumer can feel for the brand, rather than simply seeing or knowing about it. Feeling is a pivotal part of branding, and without it, the brand and its products, are just a commodity, based on nothing more than consumer needs and cost. Brands are consumed based on a want or desire, with price being far less prevalent. Therefore, brands offer businesses far greater profit margins and a more loyal consumer base - the holy grail. And when executed effectively, the story helps build brand love through evoking a deeper, more authentic connection with its consumers. As a result, brand storytelling is priceless, and quite simply a must-have tactic for 2021 and beyond.