valued institution with deep community connections and roots. PRESERVING COMMUNITY HERITAGE While economic growth and infrastructure upgrades are essential, the county has prioritized preserving its cultural heritage. A prime example is the historic theater restoration in downtown Summerville, a once-condemned county-owned structure.Thanks to a state-funded grant and support from local leaders, the theater is undergoing extensive renovations to become a cultural hub for movie screenings, live performances, and community events. “This project will not only make the theater fully operational but also turn it into a cultural hub,” Elsberry explains. By revitalizing this landmark, the county fosters community pride and creates a centerpiece for downtown revitalization efforts. Another notable project is transforming a historic bank building into a high-end community center. Through a partnership with a local bank leveraging Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) funds, the county secured a unique arrangement: the building is leased for a dollar while it retains all revenue generated from its use.“This facility will serve as a professional meeting space, a place for executive meetings, and a venue for public financial education classes,” Elsberry elaborates, emphasizing its role as a valuable community resource. TEACHING & LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE STRONG COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS PROVIDING DYNAMIC LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES INSPIRING STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE THEIR POTENTIAL CHATTOOGA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WWW.CHATTOOGA.K12.GA.US Expect Success 90 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12